Privacy and Security

Privacy Statement

Alternative collects customer information in an effort to improve our customer’s shopping experience and to communicate with our customers about our products, services and promotions. We collect information such as your name, e-mail and/or postal address, and credit card numbers that you provide to us when you place an order, when you save your information with us or when you participate in a sweepstakes, promotion or survey. Alternative may use your information collected online to process and fulfill your order. We also collect e-mail addresses at various locations within the site (including when you place an order) so that we can send you any necessary e-mail messages related to your order – such as an order confirmation notice. In addition, we maintain a record of your product interests, purchases and whatever else might enable us to enhance and personalize your shopping experience. We also monitor site use and traffic patterns to improve our web site design and the products and services we offer. Alternative recognizes that it must maintain and use customer information responsibly.

Alternative will not rent or sell your e-mail address for any reason. We do not share credit card information with third parties except for the purpose of processing payment for products you’ve ordered, and as required by law.

You can always update or delete your personal information on our web site. Simply click My Account in the menu at the top of each page on our site, log in, and you’ll be able to edit or change your information. If at any time you would like us to delete any of your personal information on file, you can email us ( or call us at (347) 281-7216. Please be sure to include your e-mail address, full name and password.


This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. In order to protect your credit card information from theft, our website runs on a secure server that supports the secure socket layer (SSL) protocol and the thawte digital certificate. If your browser supports SSL, then your credit card information will be protected whenever you submit a credit card number to us. We have designed all purchase order software to detect whether your browser supports secure transactions. It will automatically notify you if your browser does not support this feature.

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